This is my first recognition of this type, so of course I had to put it in my sidebar, right? Right. And when this writing becomes one of my "Older Posts," and readers will no longer be able to easily access her link, they'll still be able to discover the wonderful person who gave me my first award - because clicking on that sidebar image will take them to her site. Cool, huh!
Here are the rules for this award:
- Accept the award by posting it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted the award and their blog link.
- Pass the award on to other blogs that you have newly discovered.
- Contact each of those bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
And here are the recipients of this "One Lovely Blog Award" from me:

2. The Slight Detour
3. OEBooks
4. Janel's Jumble
5. Anne K. Albert
6. Anglers Rest
7. A Few of My Favorite Things
8. Margaret Atwood: Year of the Flood
9. Mary Akers
10. Mystic Mom
11. Lessons from the Monk I Married
12. Healing Morning
13. Good To Grow
14. The Feminist Breeder
15. The Riddle of Writing
P.S. Just don't ask me what happened to the comment box on this particular post (??) It's a *v-e-r-y* long story, but long story short, it's gone.