One of my favorite networks is The Red Room. It's slow-moving and quiet, but I actually have more views there of my member page, than anywhere else. So I wrote a blurb entitled, "A Writer's Goal - No Regrets," just for The Red Room.
This brought a comment from "a Southern writer whose work explores the connections between deeper universal truths and the daily moments of our lives" (her own description) which reminded me of, That meant I had to look at the blog of Marissa Mullins.
When I visited, I read "A Post About Nothing" from March 7th, where Marissa poses personal social issues that concern many of us at times. Of course, just that alone would make her post Far From Nothing. The following are my somewhat disjointed comments I left on her site (with a few minor edits), which may stir up your curiosity just enough to click on her link also, Paucis Verbis (Latin, transl. in a few words).
(At the time of this writing, Marissa is unaware that I decided to promote her, but I did thank her for inspiring today's post. Little did she know what she was getting herself into when she commented so beautifully on my Red Room post.)
These are my comments, meant to both inspire and challenge ~
These are my comments, meant to both inspire and challenge ~
It appears to be true that those who choose the path that caters *not* to greed and over-desire are small in number, and are seeming to become even less as time goes on. In some ways, they're just harder to notice because the Charlie Sheens and the Mel Gibsons of the world simply stand out so overly-much.

When people have become complacent or
frustrated from living without answers, often
they will buckle, bend or break to the strain.
Some are simply stronger than others - that
doesn't make them better, smarter or right -
just stronger (and only in some areas).
frustrated from living without answers, often
they will buckle, bend or break to the strain.
Some are simply stronger than others - that
doesn't make them better, smarter or right -
just stronger (and only in some areas).
All people crave to be filled within the deep crevices of their souls with some sort of fulfillment where they can be at peace. The knowledge of God and what He does for a person can satisfy that yearning; but even that awareness and understanding comes in so many different flavors, people have a hard time deciding which one.
And, I might add, that those on the receiving end of a need-meet-er's generosity, should be allowed the freedom to get on with living their lives as they see fit... however lacking we feel they may be... yes, even if it's our significant other. And that's definitely, Far From Nothing :~)
Curiosity stirred. I'm clicking on the link now. :)
I think Marissa invites comments in the way she voices things. Thanks, Sam :~)
Hi M Kathy, I see you've got more writings I had not seen. I'm curious & intrigued about this post. The "Far from Nothing" is a powerful phrase, and it really stirs the life of women in search of where their lives are headed. Those in relationship might give them pause. I think you could push this further in its meaning, especially the judgmental part.
I think if I were to subscribe to your posts by email I would do you and myself an injustice. It is so calming here and so full of wisdom and insight. I feel like I'm being called over for a nice chat and a hot cup of coffee.
Thanks for the invite of mail, but door I'd much rather knock on your door.
Ey ~
That's just how I'd like you to my door :~) And I have truly great gourmet coffee for us to imbibe - from Caffe Appassionato out of Seattle, award-winning, slow-roasted, "Morning Passion." Thank you for your expression of friendship and kindness.
Joyce ~
Trust you were able to make it through some of what you hadn't seen yet :~) I've been able to write quite a bit this month...nice for a change.
When I chose my title, "Far From Nothing," I was aware of a few of the ways it could be read/understood. But I deliberately wanted this post to primarily showcase Marissa, so I minimalized the other avenues it could go.
Thank you for your gives me pause...considering the possibilities for future posts :~)
Oh my goodness, Kathy! Thank you so very much - you can't imagine my shock as I came over to read your post and found you had actually highlighted me and my work. Wonderfully sweet and kind of you to do that! Thank you again!
Love your blog and have subscribed. I am looking forward to reading more of your writing!
Wishing you a beautiful, blessed day! ~Marissa
Marissa ~
I'm a firm believer in supporting that which is good...anything that contributes to inspiring and challenging us to think with integrity and lifts us to a better level of living than we were before. You are part of that :~)
Thanks for stopping by and welcome to our group of followers!
Kathy, Your blog is the most serene I've been to in a while. I now have it on my side bar to visit often. And while I have your ear, I don't usually read poetry (and I'll have to link you to my reason why...good heavens I think I had just finished a White Russian when I wrote it), however YOUR poetry, and I read another one of yours on SHE WRITES, is absolutely beautiful!
Great job. And great post.
Rhonda ~
I always enjoy your visit & comments - you have a way of keeping me connected to what's real. And that is...priceless.
Thank you,
I think people sometimes forget to dig deep and find strength.
Janel ~
Very thought provoking statement. In fact, I found myself talking it through with my oh-so-wise-sage of a husband.
He reminded me that one of the reasons for keeping a personal journal is to have the resource to go back to when times are tough. In reading pages that were written in triumph, one can get reminded of that strength and even fired up to take on the greatest of mountains.
Thank you for taking the time to leave your footprint :~)
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